Ride the AI Wave, and get paid.
Set your favourite businesses up on chatQR.ai and get paid the collected 1% fee for the first 6 months.
If a business processes $100,000 in monthly sales, then you would get paid
for getting them set up.
If a business processes $100,000 in monthly sales, then you would get paid
for getting them set up.
Setting up a business is easy and can be done entirely using the chatQR.ai merchant interface. All information on setting up businesses can be found in the chatQR.ai Help & Resources area.
To get started selling chatQR.ai, fill out the reseller registration with your contact details and verify your email address.
To claim a business and collect their fees, in addition to the reseller registration you must sign up as regular chatQR.ai user here, with the same email address you used to register as a reseller. Your chatQR.ai user can now be invited to the businesses chatQR.ai account for you to claim the business.
You must agree to all reseller terms and conditions.
For any questions regarding reseller registration, get in touch anytime: hello@chatqr.ai